We got in pretty late from London on Wednesday night. Thursday (Thanksgiving day) was just a normal day here. David had to work his usual hours and I left to meet Miriam to start working on preparations for our expat Thanksgiving which she was hosting on Saturday. The plan was for her to pick me up and we would cook all day. We had pretty much planned the menu to do our best to have all the usual's for Thanksgiving. It's a little difficult cooking here though because we don't have a lot of the convenient ingredients than we have in the states and so we have to make things from scratch or try and find it at the American store. One of the thing we wanted to make was sausage balls. David's grandmother usually makes them every year and they are one of his favorite appetizers. Miriam had said that her husband Shawn liked them too and then that started us out on quite the adventure. We ended up going to four different grocery stores to find all of our ingredients for the sausage balls and for a couple other recipes. That is definitely one of the major things i have had to get used to here. I am always on a wild goose chase for some type of ingredient that you would think they would have. Some grocery stores carry some things and others carry different things so usually you end up going back and forth to several different stores over a weeks time.
We knew we wouldn't be able to buy the sausage here like you have in the states. We had some pork ground up and then we bought the spices to make our own sausage. In between running to four different grocery stores we got hungry and had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants called Supatra (Thai food). They have the best pad thai!! We also had to run up to her kids school so she could have a conference with one of the teachers and then we picked up her youngest two from school. By the time we ran all the errands we had to run it was already getting late. Her husband had a dinner meeting that he had to attend to and so we decided to pick David up and go have pizza. This is what our Thanksgiving dinner looked like!
These were taken from a phone so they aren't the best pictures.
On Friday morning I ran into town to get the turkey. You can't go just anywhere to get a turkey. They don't sell a lot of them here. So several weeks ago we went and ordered the turkey. Miriam has lived here for four years so she has done this several times. She warned us that it would be expensive (what isn't here) and that it would be heavy. Knowing that.....I took Stella with me. I know your wondering who Stella is. Well, she is my rolling cart. Since we walk to buy our groceries and things get heavy we use carts if we are going far. Here are a couple of pictures of my morning.

The turkey ended up being around 20 pounds and costing 186.50 CHF (that's probably a little over 200$ US).
When we got back to Miriam's we started on the sausage balls. Honestly, we weren't sure if they would turn out at all. Neither of us had ever made sausage before. We always pick ours up from Krogers :). It was quite the process. I think it took us about 3 hours..maybe longer. We made the sausage, shredded lot's of cheese, ground it all together and then baked them. They turned out to be the best sausage balls we had ever had and David and Shawn were two happy guys!!
We spent the rest of the day cooking other goodies for the next day. Everybody brought food and chipped in and we ended up with way more food than we thought we were going to have.
Thanksgiving dinner!!

I think we had around 16 people at Thanksgiving. We feel so blessed. We are getting to live out our dreams of doing some of the traveling we have always wanted to do. David was so grateful to not be in the states when his favorite team lost to KY after a 26 year winning streak, haha!! Poor guy. He handled it like a champ though. We are both grateful for the friends that we have met here. I have learned so much from these ladies and am so truly thankful for their friendship and that we are here experiencing these crazy times together. I'm thankful that on Thanksgiving day, when I thought I would be lonely and sad that I had a day filled with laughter and fun and friendship!! It will be a Thanksgiving day I won't forget. I'm thankful for family who supports us and friends who put up with our nomadic lifestyle and do the extra work of keeping in touch. We are so thankful for everything that our God is doing in our lives and in the lives of our families and friends. Our cups runneth over.